Outsource to scale and increase your profits!


ave you ever considered how much time in a week you spend away from your business, completing administrative tasks such as filing, responding to emails, and data entry?

It’s probably more than you realise and it may be costing your business thousands (tens of thousands?!) of dollars…

At Leap Virtual Assistant, we understand that time is money, and the burden of administration can sometimes be overwhelming. We know the more time you spend completing tasks which are not central to driving business success, the less time you have to scale and invest in your growth. We know this because our clients regularly come to us seeking cost-effective solutions to streamline their processes and implement more efficient ways of working.

To help you to determine how much of your week is spent on inefficient, non-core tasks, the team at Leap Virtual Assistant developed a free Productivity Calculator.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Simply enter the value of an hour of your time into our spreadsheet
  2. Outline all the administration tasks you typically complete in week
  3. Allocate the approximate time you spend completing each task.


The Productivity Calculator will then auto-calculate how much time and money you spend on these tasks in a month, and how much you could save by outsourcing your administrative work to a Leap Virtual Assistant Virtual Assistant (VA). (Hint: it’s usually a lot!)

With Leap Virtual Assistant, our clients pay 60% less (on average) for qualified resources to complete the tasks they just don’t have the time to do.

Our qualified, remote professionals assist our global clients with tasks such as:

  • General administration
  • Emails
  • Sales follow-up
  • Data entry
  • Filing
  • Bookkeeping
  • Diary/calendar management
  • Event bookings
  • Social media posts
  • Website updates
  • Blog research and posts
  • Proposals and quoting
  • And more!

Join hundreds of other business-savvy professionals – from those in finance to medical services to marketing – who are already working with us and delegating their time-consuming tasks.

Instead of allocating your budget to administration duties, hire a Leap Virtual Assistant Virtual Assistant and invest more into upskilling or growing your direct team, making new connections, and developing your product/services.

Plus, using Virtual Assistants presents a number of other benefits to your business, such as:

  • Lower risks to your bottom line
  • Reduced employee salary costs
  • No need to pay superannuation, sick leave or annual leave to our VAs
  • A contractor model means you can use the services when you need them
  • No equipment costs for this resource (they have their own!)
  • 24 / 7 availability meaning they keep working when you can’t!

So, if you’re seeking a way to decrease your costs, increase your productivity and focus your time (and budget!) on your business, Leap Virtual Assistant has the solution with Virtual Assistants.

Download our free Productivity Calculator today to see how much time and money you could save.

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Hire a Virtual Assistant to:

  • Take the pressure off yourself as a business owner;
  • Focus your efforts on developing a business model that thrives; and
  • Develop cost-effective solutions to time-consuming activities.